Pre Fire Gallery 2001 - 2006

I find it hard to really look at a contact sheet, even with a magnifying loupe. For this reason, I have been in the habit of scanning images that I feel may have potential. Back in the early 2000s, I used a flatbed scanner to scan parts of contact sheets, and sometimes work-prints, so that I could enlarge them on a monitor. By today’s standards, those scans would be considered very low resolution. Those scans were never intended to serve any other purpose than being a quick and comfortable way to look at those tiny images. While this website has gone through many iterations over the years, hosting some of those dusty scans was part of its early purpose. Thanks to those rough scans and the existence of this website, a handful of photographs “survived” the fire, albeit in less than ideal condition. With a lot of time, patience, and evolving technology, I have been able to restore some of the images to display here. I will add additional photos as time permits.